
Mandeville Medicines evolved from the NHS and as such carries an ingrained EMPATHY for the problems faced by health care professionals when dealing with ‘Specials’. When the NHS was no longer able to accommodate Mandeville Medicines because of a restructuring of regional health authorities, patients’ best interests were placed at risk. The management at Mandeville Medicines took it upon themselves to secure that interest for the sake of their patients.

What makes the difference for Mandeville Medicines is that it genuinely cares. Mandeville Medicines cares for the well being and is dedicated to the safety of the patients that receive its ‘Specials’. Mandeville Medicines cares about the trust that patients place in their health care professionals. Mandeville Medicines cares about reputations. Simply put, Mandeville Medicines understands that looking after the best interests of the patient means providing a service of excellence and if patients’ needs are met, then everyone wins.

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